Whispers from a Lost Eden

to find but desolation’s frown, a barren waste where beauty took its flight...

In realms of shattered stone, where glory lies in dust,
Love, a fleeting phantom, brushed my soul with light.
Ah, laughter’s echo, faint, a memory just,
Lost in the deluge of perpetual night.

My yearning arms, for blossoms once did reach,
But gathered tears, a bitter, brimming cup.
This world, a faithless friend, my spirit’s leech,
Compels these eyes to ever fill and sup.

Hope, a flickering candle, fights the rising tide,
Joy weeps, a captive in a loveless cage.
My dreams, a plundered land where solace died,
And tears, in endless sequence, fill the stage.

These eyes that glimpsed the spring’s enchanting gown,
The feathered choir’s sweet song, the blooms alight,
Awake to find but desolation’s frown,
A barren waste where beauty took its flight.

Hope, a flickering candle, fights the rising tide…



Dr. Sachita Ramdin, Cultural Anthropologist

Creative Writer/Content Creator/Researcher/ Blog Writer/writes novels, research articles, short stories, children's stories /Fluent in English, French, Hindi